License Plate Recognition

Don't be shy – show us your license plate

License Plate Recognition (LPR) technology will move into phase two of implementation at Bloomington.The LPR technology we are using has been reviewed and approved by the Indiana University Security Office.

Please be sure that you park your vehicle with the license plate facing the driving lane.

If you wish to continue backing into parking spaces or pulling through them and your state does not issue a front license plate, you must purchase an IU LPR plate and display it on the front bumper of your vehicle. IU LPR plates must be purchased in person at our office.

Parking hang tags are still required and must be used to access most parking garages. All vehicles registered with the university must continue to display a hang tag during this transition period away from them.

How LPR worksWhy LPR technology?About LPR testingAnswers to your LPR questions

How LPR works

License Plate Recognition (LPR) is a virtual permit system that allows you to use your license plate as your parking permit. No more worrying about properly displaying your parking permit or transferring your permit between vehicles. With LPR, your license plate is your virtual permit! LPR works much like a supermarket scanner but it uses your vehicle's plate in place of a barcode. The license plate is captured by cameras mounted on enforcement vehicles or inside parking garages. When read, the numbers of your plate are automatically referenced against the parking database to verify proper parking privileges for the parking location.

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Why LPR technology?

The bottom line is that this technology is designed to improve our efficiency and your experience with us.

  • Simplify/Streamline the permit renewal process – no extra trips to pick up permit, no waiting in line and no waiting for your permit to arrive in the mail
  • Once LPR is fully implemented, there will be no need to:
    • Visit our office if you forget your permit
    • Worry about your permit falling from rearview mirror or being improperly displayed
    • Pay a fee for lost permits
    • Remember to switch your permit to another vehicle
    • Scan or swipe a permit when entering or exiting a garage. With LPR, it is automatic!

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About the LPR testing on this campus

The impact to your day-to-day parking experience will be minimal. You will continue to display your valid parking permit in your vehicle during the evaluation period and park in the same areas as allowed by that permit.

To ensure we collect enough results during the evaluation period we are asking all permit holders to do the following:

  1. Navigate to the IU Parking Portal to review and update your current vehicle information and license plate.
  2. Log in with your IU credentials.
  3. Click on Vehicles in the navigation at the top of the page.
  4. Delete old vehicles, edit vehicle information, or add vehicles you drive.
  5. If you have a personalized plate with a special character (heart, star, etc.) skip the special character and enter only the numbers or letters. Do not include any spaces.
  6. Always park your vehicle so that your license plate faces the drive lane and the LPR cameras can read it.

Secondary permits such as the service vehicle (SV) and reserved (R) should be displayed as usual. Current parking rules for use of secondary permits will not change. Protocol for visitors displaying a visitor permit or parking in designated visitor locations will not change.

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